Sparkk TV

Sparkk TV is an Online Streaming Network for Web Series + Web Movies from independent content creators. We add new content all the time plus thousands of hours of On-Demand content.
We faced many challenges when building Sparkk TV for the modern web. We love Joomla but many tools for running a TV network don't exist. So how do you create a TV network without the proper extensions available? You create them from what is available. Yootheme Zoo is the heart and soul of our site because of its customizations and the ability to create it how you need it. And for the sliders that are on every page of the site, we use YooTheme's Widgetkit.
Joomla is a great platform for custom sites, you can build anything using the platform. And because we are a TV Network and entertainment site, our website is never complete. We are always making changes and adding new features to the site.
12th of May, 2020


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