INNIO is a leading solutions provider of gas engines, power equipment, a digital platform and related services for power generation and gas compression at or near the point of use.
Sclak is an app and a small electronic device that transforms any electric lock or automated access into an integrated smart access system controlled via smartphone. The product is Italian but distributes it exclusively in Spain through the access control systems compa...
The mission of Literacy Volunteers of Somerset County (LVSC) is to promote literacy throughout the community by providing student-centered tutoring and literacy programs for adults so that they may function more effectively in their daily lives. Their mission is founded on the be...
This new website is born after a UX workshop in order to build a better website for B2C and B2B. It need to present clearly the different Themes, age range with nice presentation.
Site for corporate how sell health software and specific course. We create a responsive site with template creator and we add FLEXIcontent CCK to create a powerfull architecture of content. For promotion user can use Acymailling newsletter system with CCK content
Template creator for beautiful responsive template
FLEXIContent for CCK
Drop editor for best responsive content
Acymailling for email campagne
Google analytics plugin
Administration module for user