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Lost And Found Australia

Lost And Found is Australian site for lost and found items. You can report cats, dogs, rings, keys, wallets and other items with photos gallery and Google Maps position. All items can be easily filtered by categories, states and cities. After all users can manage their items and mark them as reunited with owner.
Project recived dedicated design created by my friend - Datasky Graphic Studio.

My part of job was to create Joomla template from it. We put emphasis on appearance and clean and semantic code as well. We also created layouts for RWD views.

The biggest challenge was to create dedicated component for lost and found items management. I built it from scratch to meet the requirements of the final customer and not to stick fast in "hacked" directory component. Looking at it today it was very good decision. Now we can modify all project very fast and adding new improvements is hassle-free. I choosed some good js plugins like jQuery.filer from Creative Dream as image custom loader or some fancy date pickers. We integrated report forms with Joomla registration so while adding new item, user can create new account and then he can manage all reported items.
I created also backend part of lost/found component where project owner can modify reported items and manage all dictionaries data like categories, subcategories.
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    Which extensions are used in this website. Please reply
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