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Snorkeling and Adventure in Bom Jardim, Nobres - Mato Grosso Brazil

This site is a portal site for information for foreigners on tours in the Village of Bom Jardim in the municipality of Nobres in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Bom Jardim is located 150 km (90 miles) from Cuiaba, the Capital of Mato Grosso and Gateway to the Transpantaneira and Pantanal.
This site was build using the Gantry 5 framework, the original demonstration template for Gantry 5, the hydrogen theme, and the rocket sprocket extension from rocket theme. It is an example of a simple site that was created with free open source components without a lot of modification on our part. It was designed to be simple and fast loading.
11th of January, 2018


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