AWE Instruments

AWE Instruments are a manufacturer of instrumentation, sensors and control devices for the measurement and control of a number of industrial parameters.
The AWE Instruments microsite was launched to support our new online data logger - a device which connects to our industrial automation instruments and provides the user with a secure online area where they can view the current value and historical measurements of they're measured parameter or parameters - all from a single online location.
All the historical data is logged into our secure area meaning that engineers working in the aerospace, chemical, aqua culture and food / beverage sectors can view historical data and directly tie it to either effluent, process control, or water treatment quality metrics.
We had an exhibition stand booked at the Waste Water & Effluent Monitoring show and having tested our instrumentation, we wanted to launch a microsite which was hosted online, and displayed locally to provide a working example of our online data logger. Our secondary KPI was to act as a lead generation tool for both local visitors to the exhibition stand and to online visitors to microsite. We allowed 7 days to build the site incorporating custom CSS, custom graphics, custom SVG, custom Javascript and custom PHP development. Working around the clock the site was launched and with little or no modification is working successfully today.
26th of April, 2017


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