
PocketRate is a popular personal finance price comparison site in the UK.
The site compares products ranging from savings accounts and loans to broadband and energy providers.
PocketRate have partnered with a number of the top UK financial services providers to offer free to use comparison tables enabling visitors to compare features, benefits and prices.
Joomla was selected for its rapid development creation and its sophisticated content management functionality, which can be difficult to achieve in other CMS platforms.

The site is based on the Helix Ultimate framework with Bootstrap 4 and predominantly uses the DJ-Catalog2 extension to generate the price comparison tables.

Some information pages and individual modules are created using Joomshaper's Page Builder tool with the rest based on native Joomla functionality and Bootstrap 4.

The site makes use of the Google Structured Data plugin for SEO together with the Optimize Pro plugin for improvements in speed.

Some difficulties were encountered when trying to hide modules on pages that are system generated through the price comparison tool. These pages automatically show the modules that are attached to the parent menu item. This problem was overcome by using the Advanced Module Manager plugin, which adds assignment options that are missing from the core.
21st of May, 2019


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