Felidae Conservation Fund

Felidae Conservation Fund is a nonprofit dedicated to the research and conservation of felid (wild cat) species across the world. They work through a fusion of research, education, and online technologies, to help people learn to live alongside these amazing animals.
This site was built on Joomla 4 with a custom, from-scratch template.

3rd party extensions include:
- Convert Forms
- Ignite Gallery
- Eshop
- Events Booking

We also used FundraiseUp to manage donations on the site.

Mostly, the site was built on core Joomla as much as possible with extensive use of custom fields and template overrides.

Highlights include the "Wild Cats Around the World" page, which is an articles category view that sorts the different cat species articles into the regions they live and shows them on an interactive SVG map.

Due to the extensive number of images on the site (over 1000), many of them sourced from their supporters and community, we also are using Ignite Gallery with a custom image helper that allows our client to globally manage alt text and image captions/copyright. When they select an image for an intro or full image, or in a custom field, or even inline in article text, the helper pulls the appropriate alt text and caption dynamically from the database and displays the image in a figure with a caption.

We also made extensive use of Joomla 4's new dashboards feature in the back end to make site management as simple as possible for different user roles.

Overall, it was a joy to build and work on, and a very successful project.
16th of January, 2022


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