Ocean Wise Life Coach

Here at Ocean Wise life Coaching we create a safe and serene place where you can truly work towards becoming your true authentic self. We do that by looking at what may be blocking your path, making you stuck in a place where you now want to evolve out of to a higher consciousness of power, confidence, and peace.
Mark needed a site to showcase his new career as a San Diego based life coach, so I built it using Joomla51's "Lifestyle" template with ocean themed imagery. Extensions used for SEO include PWT SEO, J Sitemap Pro, and Google Structured Data by Tassos. The site runs very fast thanks to JCH Optimize, Litespeed Cache, and Cache Cleaner Pro by Regular Labs, and Convert Forms by Tassos is used for the contact form. It is currently running on Joomla 3.10, but we will soon be upgrading to 5.1.
26th of January, 2023


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