eBars - Functional Whole Food

eBars pairs unparalleled food purity, and great taste, with the highest-certified bars in the United States. Every ingredient in every product consists of only the highest quality USDA-certified organic ingredients made fresh and with no preservatives.
This project is built using core Joomla! principles and J2Store for the eCommerce aspect. We wanted to offer multiple product subscription options for each product, so using the subform custom fields in Joomla 4, we could build a system that allows as many different subscription options as needed.

Each product essentially consists of 7 articles, with the primary article controlling the site content using various types of article custom fields and the other six articles representing each of the product offerings (5 Pack, 15 Pack, 30 Pack, 5 Pack Subscription, 15 Pack Subscription, 30 Pack Subscription).

The homepage is built using core Joomla! menu and article category modules. Ingredients and Certification pages utilize the core Joomla! Tag System to create additional site links providing organic landing pages for those searching for a specific organic ingredients without knowing who eBars are.
27th of July, 2023


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