St-Barth Digital

St-Barth Digital is the brand created by the Collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy to lead the project to deploy optical fiber to homes.
St-Barth Digital is the new face of the digital transition and underlines the Collectivity's desire to allow the population to benefit, in complete confidence, from the digital revolution brought about by optical fiber.
St-Barth Digital had a website built with Typo 3. They wanted a new website with a more modern design and a better usability (it was pretty hard of this site to find any information, too many clicks were needed to access any information...) and the main element of the site, the deployment map, was buggy.
They asked IDIMweb to rebuild the website.
Most of the work was about implementing the new design, reorganizing the content and building a new deployment map using their API. The map has been created by IDIM web's partner, Natural Selection Web Design
22nd of June, 2022


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